I've just spent a quite useful few hours out in the garage doing a few jobs that I probably should have done months ago - namely replacing Zara's old (original?) hard plastic fuel hose with new rubber ones; and finally replacing the other t-piece.
To get to the t-piece I had to take off one carburettor. I'd been warned that this is a hideously fiddly job (which is why I didn't do it when I replaced the other cooling hoses), but actually I found it a doddle. No knuckles grazed, no bolts lost down into the darkest recesses of the engine bay ...
The carb was rather grotty, but a quick spray with some carb cleaner had it looking much shiner. (Actually, the engine bay isn't going to win me any concours awards - but Zara is a car in frequent use, not a show pony, so as long as everything works and nothing leaks, I'm not that fussed about how shiny it is.)
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