If you average the (1)57,930 miles now showing on the clock over 37.5 years, she's done an average of 80 miles/week througout her life. But, if you consider that when her engine was rebuilt in April 2000 she was showing (1)34,700, from 2000 to 2006 she only averaged 55 miles/week, almost all of them pootling around the Mornington Peninnsula, from what I can tell.
So we've been exercising the old dear quite hard in the last year, covering more than double what she's been used to, and over many an inner-Melbourne tram-track and pot-hole, as well as some long runs including a 1000-mile long weekend to Canberra and back.
As a result, it's not surprising that some major suspension and steering work is next on the list.
I have to hand a slightly scary piece of paper - a quote from Ralph at Trutrack Suspension. I will get Ralph to do the heavy work, such as replacing upper and lower wishbone bushes at the front, getting the steering sorted, and re-setting the rear springs. Some other jobs, such as front roll-bar bushes, I'll do myself.
Luckily the Pater Familias has been on the hunt among his Jaguar mates in Canberra and has sent me one of his wonderous care packages
Check out that 'Guaranteed Factory Replacement' tape! This is a completely brand-new, 35-year-old SU pump.
Now, that's what I call shock absorbers! I bought a set of Koni Classic adjustables just after Christmas from GT Suspension, and they're certainly going on along with as many new bushes and other bits as Ralph at Trutrack deems necessary.
Within a week or three we'll be travelling like new - but it might take a bit longer for the credit card to recover!
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