You'll see above a few photos from Dame Zara's first grand day out, a combined run with the Daimler/Lanchester club and the Alvis and Bristol clubs - dubbed by a wag the 'B.A.L.D' gathering.
Zara aquitted herself in fine style, powering up steep Dandenong mountain roads and sweeping through many a curve on the way down the far side to Seville.
The missing/hesitation we'd noticed at 60 mp/h on the day we'd picked her up seemed to be gone - we put it down to old fuel in the tank - but it reappeared on the way home. I think a trip to a sympathetic mechanic is on order, to check on the mysterious one-point distributor, the coolant-losing radiator and a few other little things.
Initial tidying (one could hardly call it 'restoration') proceeds apace. After a very thorough clean and polish last weekend and my earlier replacement of the rear bumper rubber, this afternoon's little task was to replace the perished rubber around the scuttle vent. A fiddly little job, and one that was causing some consternation until bad light stopped play. If I can't find that pesky little nut that dropped somewhere down the vent, I shall have to buy another ...
Another grand adventure was the trip to Miss Colleen's wedding yesterday in a *huge* rain storm. We did indeed confirm that the back window leaks. And that the rear window demister is - if not actually broken - thoroughly pathetic. As are the wipers. Oh, and the fan for the heater/demister? I thought it didn't work at all, then the other day I switched it on 'high' and it worked a treat - for about half an hour when it began making an awful graunching noise.
Anyways, the upshot is we made it through the flood, only somewhat damp and steaming, having seen our way via little circles made in the condensation of the windscreen with tissues. 'Twas a lovely wedding ...